Lottotrix lottery system guide – page 7

“How to beat the first 3 events of the draw ?”

lotto system guide hurdle 3 if 3

How about that 3rd winning number ? On the previous page, number 38 for example would have ended Pamela’s perfect track towards the jackpot. None of her 16 tickets would have matched 11, 08 and 38, despite the fact that she wheeled these numbers !

To prolong that perfect track (= creating a better chance to hit big), Pamela needs to play a wheel that goes one step further : matching the first 3 winning numbers.

If we stick to Pamela’s 20 favorite numbers, every possible triplet from 20 numbers (1140 possible triplets) must be stored in a minimum amount of tickets. This wheel does exactly that in 72 lines.

27 34 38 02 40 20 17 33 04 35 11 14 29 07 10 12 31 23 08 25
 Ticket 01 = 27 34 38 17 14 08
 Ticket 02 = 27 34 02 20 14 23
 Ticket 03 = 27 34 40 14 29 31
 Ticket 04 = 27 34 20 04 11 25
 Ticket 05 = 27 34 17 33 04 35
 Ticket 06 = 27 34 04 07 12 31
 Ticket 07 = 27 34 11 14 10 12
 Ticket 08 = 27 38 02 04 35 29
 Ticket 09 = 27 38 40 33 04 23
 Ticket 10 = 27 38 20 17 04 31
 Ticket 11 = 27 38 33 11 14 07
 Ticket 12 = 27 38 35 14 12 25
 Ticket 13 = 27 38 14 29 10 23
 Ticket 14 = 27 02 40 17 11 12
 Ticket 15 = 27 02 40 07 10 25
 Ticket 16 = 27 02 33 31 08 25
 Ticket 17 = 27 40 20 35 07 08
 Ticket 18 = 27 20 33 29 10 12
 Ticket 19 = 27 17 04 14 10 08
 Ticket 20 = 27 17 29 07 23 25
 Ticket 21 = 27 35 11 10 31 23
 Ticket 22 = 27 11 29 12 23 08
 Ticket 23 = 34 38 02 33 04 12
 Ticket 24 = 34 38 40 17 35 11
 Ticket 25 = 34 38 20 14 29 07
 Ticket 26 = 34 38 10 31 23 25
 Ticket 27 = 34 02 40 04 10 08
 Ticket 28 = 34 02 20 35 12 31
 Ticket 29 = 34 02 17 29 10 31
 Ticket 30 = 34 02 33 11 29 23
 Ticket 31 = 34 02 35 11 07 25
 Ticket 32 = 34 40 20 17 10 23
 Ticket 33 = 34 40 20 33 11 31
 Ticket 34 = 34 40 33 07 12 25
 Ticket 35 = 34 40 35 29 12 23
 Ticket 36 = 34 20 17 12 08 25
 Ticket 37 = 34 17 11 07 31 08
 Ticket 38 = 34 33 04 14 29 25
 Ticket 39 = 34 33 07 10 23 08
 Ticket 40 = 34 04 35 14 07 23
 Ticket 41 = 34 35 29 10 08 25
 Ticket 42 = 38 02 40 20 29 25
 Ticket 43 = 38 02 40 07 31 23
 Ticket 44 = 38 02 20 11 10 08
 Ticket 45 = 38 02 17 35 23 08
 Ticket 46 = 38 02 04 11 14 31
 Ticket 47 = 38 40 20 04 14 12
 Ticket 48 = 38 40 17 33 29 08
 Ticket 49 = 38 40 10 12 31 08
 Ticket 50 = 38 20 33 35 23 25
 Ticket 51 = 38 20 11 07 12 23
 Ticket 52 = 38 17 33 11 10 25
 Ticket 53 = 38 17 35 07 10 12
 Ticket 54 = 38 33 35 29 07 31
 Ticket 55 = 38 04 07 10 08 25
 Ticket 56 = 38 11 29 12 31 25
 Ticket 57 = 02 40 17 14 07 25
 Ticket 58 = 02 40 33 35 14 10
 Ticket 59 = 02 20 17 33 04 07
 Ticket 60 = 02 04 10 12 23 25
 Ticket 61 = 02 14 29 07 12 08
 Ticket 62 = 40 17 04 35 31 25
 Ticket 63 = 40 04 11 29 07 10
 Ticket 64 = 40 11 14 23 08 25
 Ticket 65 = 20 17 35 11 14 29
 Ticket 66 = 20 33 04 35 10 31
 Ticket 67 = 20 33 35 14 31 08
 Ticket 68 = 20 04 29 31 23 08
 Ticket 69 = 20 14 07 10 31 25
 Ticket 70 = 17 33 14 12 31 23
 Ticket 71 = 17 04 11 29 12 23
 Ticket 72 = 33 04 35 11 12 08

The wheel’s guarantee…

“wheel 20 numbers : at least one of your tickets is guaranteed to match 3 winning numbers, if 3 winning numbers are among the 20 numbers you entered. It takes 72 tickets !”

Again : “Is this a wheel for the stupid ?”

“Why would anyone consider to wheel 20 numbers (72 tickets – 3 winning numbers) while one has the option to wheel the same amount of numbers in exactly 10 tickets with more or less the same guarantee (3/6) ?”

Wake up!

This lottery wheel’s condition clearly stipulates : “…if 3 winning numbers are among the 20 numbers you entered.” The wheel’s condition didn’t imply “ALL 6 !”, like Tommy’s split wheel.

Now, do you have any idea what would happen if Pamela managed to trap all six winning numbers in her selection of 20 numbers she chose to wheel, and not just 3 ? (6 is what she needs to win the jackpot !)

Let’s find out …

  • The first 3 winning numbers, no matter which three, will be located on one of her 72 tickets. With 3 balls to go, a better start than this does not exist (at this point, Pamela is 3 steps away to hit big).
  • The forth, fifth and sixth winning number will also be located on one of her 72 tickets.

“One of her 72 tickets” doesn’t mean “one of her other tickets”, so “one of her 72 tickets” might as well be that very same ticket that already matched the first 3 winning numbers, which means:

the jackpot !

Worst case scenario…

There are 20 possible triplets from 6 winning numbers:

[1st-2nd-3rd] [1st-3rd-5th] [2nd-3rd-4th] [2nd-5th-6th]
[1st-2nd-4th] [1st-3rd-6th] [2nd-3rd-5th] [3rd-4th-5th]
[1st-2nd-5th] [1st-4th-5th] [2nd-3rd-6th] [3rd-4th-6th]
[1st-2nd-6th] [1st-4th-6th] [2nd-4th-5th] [3rd-5th-6th]
[1st-3rd-4th] [1st-5th-6th] [2nd-4th-6th] [4th-5th-6th]

If the 6 winning numbers are among the 20 numbers you wheeled, this wheel is set up in such a way that at least 20 tickets will match 1 of the 20 possible triplets, which means : worst case scenario = 20 times 3 winning numbers. (= you make a profit !)

Next, let’s examine how far
we can go. Can we go
all the way ?

(A true dilemma!)