Prediction tables: lotto 550 lotto550 lotto 5/50 lotto 5-50 Euromillions

Here are the exact “math figures” of how many “winning numbers” someone can expect to “predict” when selecting a pool of lottery numbers from a group of 50 lottery numbers (like Euro-Millions).

Example :
When you pick 12 numbers from 50 numbers, the chance that exactly 3 of the 5 main winning numbers will be among the numbers you selected is 07.299%.

Pool 0 numbers 1 number 2 numbers 3 numbers 4 numbers 5 numbers
05 : 57.663869% 35.160896% 06.697314% 00.467254% 00.010619% 00.000047%
06 : 51.256773% 38.442580% 09.376239% 00.892975% 00.031150% 00.000283%
07 : 45.432140% 40.772433% 12.231730% 01.491674% 00.071032% 00.000991%
08 : 40.149333% 42.262455% 15.171138% 02.275671% 00.138760% 00.002643%
09 : 35.369650% 43.017142% 18.112481% 03.250958% 00.243822% 00.005947%
10 : 31.056278% 43.133720% 20.983972% 04.417678% 00.396458% 00.011894%
11 : 27.174243% 42.702383% 23.723546% 05.770592% 00.607431% 00.021805%
12 : 23.690366% 41.806528% 26.278389% 07.299553% 00.887783% 00.037380%
13 : 20.573213% 40.522995% 28.604467% 08.989975% 01.248608% 00.060743%
14 : 17.793049% 38.922294% 30.666050% 10.823312% 01.700806% 00.094489%
15 : 15.321792% 37.068852% 32.435245% 12.777521% 02.254857% 00.141734%
16 : 13.132965% 35.021239% 33.891521% 14.827541% 02.920576% 00.206158%
17 : 11.201646% 32.832411% 35.021239% 16.945761% 03.706885% 00.292058%
18 : 09.504427% 30.549944% 35.817176% 19.102494% 04.621571% 00.404387%
19 : 08.019360% 28.216268% 36.278059% 21.266448% 05.671053% 00.548812%
20 : 06.725915% 25.868904% 36.408088% 23.405199% 06.860145% 00.731749%
21 : 05.604929% 23.540703% 36.216466% 25.485661% 08.191820% 00.960420%
22 : 04.638562% 21.260077% 35.716929% 27.474561% 09.666975% 01.242897%
23 : 03.810248% 19.051238% 34.927269% 29.338906% 11.284195% 01.588146%
24 : 03.104646% 16.934433% 33.868867% 31.046461% 13.039514% 02.006079%
25 : 02.507599% 14.926183% 32.566218% 32.566218% 14.926183% 02.507599%
26 : 02.006079% 13.039514% 31.046461% 33.868867% 16.934433% 03.104646%
27 : 01.588146% 11.284195% 29.338906% 34.927269% 19.051238% 03.810248%
28 : 01.242897% 09.666975% 27.474561% 35.716929% 21.260077% 04.638562%
29 : 00.960420% 08.191820% 25.485661% 36.216466% 23.540703% 05.604929%
30 : 00.731749% 06.860145% 23.405199% 36.408088% 25.868904% 06.725915%
31 : 00.548812% 05.671053% 21.266448% 36.278059% 28.216268% 08.019360%
32 : 00.404387% 04.621571% 19.102494% 35.817176% 30.549944% 09.504427%
33 : 00.292058% 03.706885% 16.945761% 35.021239% 32.832411% 11.201646%
34 : 00.206158% 02.920576% 14.827541% 33.891521% 35.021239% 13.132965%
35 : 00.141734% 02.254857% 12.777521% 32.435245% 37.068852% 15.321792%
36 : 00.094489% 01.700806% 10.823312% 30.666050% 38.922294% 17.793049%
37 : 00.060743% 01.248608% 08.989975% 28.604467% 40.522995% 20.573213%
38 : 00.037380% 00.887783% 07.299553% 26.278389% 41.806528% 23.690366%
39 : 00.021805% 00.607431% 05.770592% 23.723546% 42.702383% 27.174243%
40 : 00.011894% 00.396458% 04.417678% 20.983972% 43.133720% 31.056278%
41 : 00.005947% 00.243822% 03.250958% 18.112481% 43.017142% 35.369650%
42 : 00.002643% 00.138760% 02.275671% 15.171138% 42.262455% 40.149333%
43 : 00.000991% 00.071032% 01.491674% 12.231730% 40.772433% 45.432140%
44 : 00.000283% 00.031150% 00.892975% 09.376239% 38.442580% 51.256773%
45 : 00.000047% 00.010619% 00.467254% 06.697314% 35.160896% 57.663869%
46 : 0% 00.002171% 00.195397% 04.298741% 30.807642% 64.696049%
47 : 0% 0% 00.051020% 02.295918% 25.255102% 72.397959%
48 : 0% 0% 0% 00.816327% 18.367347% 80.816327%
49 : 0% 0% 0% 0% 10.000000% 90.000000%
50 : 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 100%